Well, I think overall my presentation was okay, but I added too much additional information and not enough needed information. It took me a while to convince myself that San Diego "home heating" was not necessary in this project. So I took it out, and replaced it with San Diego sports teams! Better than home heating, but still not important. I had four slides of assigned information and three slides of information I decided to add.
2) What would you improve for future presentations/projects?
In future presentations I would try to concentrate on the needed facts and not get carried away with the additional material. I have to be careful with the opposite, too. I only need basic facts and for some areas, I had a little too much detail, but in others I didn't add enough. An even amount of information would be easier to memorize and present in front of the class.
3) What did you learn in the preparation of this presentation in addition to the presentations of others?
I learned so much about my home city that I never knew before, just by doing this presentation. That's probably one of the reasons we had to do it, other than analyzing progress in development. Sometimes we may think because we are from a certain place, we already know all we need to about it, but that's not always the case. I've lived in San Diego for about 9 years, but was still ignorant about many things that have been going around me all my life. I knew San Diego was a pretty popular tourist destination, but did I ever know how it came to be that way? No, but digging in deeper in the resources and history of San Diego made me realize just how clueless I had been about the place I call home!
4) What is your analysis of your performance?
I think the information I had was okay, but lacked a little more history on why people chose San Diego as a settlement. Before the presentation, I was pretty sure I didn't need to worry about the presenting too much, but when I got up to present in front of 20 people waiting for me to do something interesting, I wasn't as positive. My brain froze and relied on my eyes to provide them the information by just keeping them fixed on the board the whole time. I knew I couldn't do that, but I still glanced at it more often than I should have. Maybe if I had practiced my presentation in front of a family member, I could've been more prepared and the presentation could have been better.
If you're curious about what my presentation looks like, take a look at it here: